Sunday, October 11, 2009

Add a Twitter Profile Widget to Blogger

If you use Twitter then you are going to want to let your Blogger readers know about it. One effective way to show your Twitter updates on Blogger is to add a Twitter profile widget to the sidebar of your blog. This widget is quite a bit more fancy than the current Twitter Updates Widget available through Blogger which I showed you how to insert into your blog in my recent article Add a Twitter Updates Widget to Blogger. On the minus side the widget may slow your blog down so test it out first if fast loading time is crucial to you.

Twitter Profile Widget - how to insert into Blogger
How to Insert a Twitter Profile Widget into Blogger
  1. Go to Twitter Widgets and sign in

  2. Choose Profile Widget and you will be taken to a default profile widget page where you can customize your Twitter widget according to your needs.

  3. Choose Settings and make sure that your username is correct

  4. Choose Appearance and make any custom color changes you need to so that the widget will blend into your blog. At the very least you will need to change the shell background and the links colors to suit your blog

  5. Choose Dimensions and change the sizing of the widget if it is too large to fit into your Blogger sidebar. The default setting is 250x300

  6. Click on Test Your Settings to ensure your new widget looks the way you want it to

  7. Click the Finish and Grab Code button

  8. Copy the code by right click the mouse in the code box and choosing Select All. Right click again and choose Copy

  9. Sign in to Blogger. From the Dashboard go to Layout | Page Elements

  10. In the sidebar choose Add a Gadget and then a HTML/Javascript widget

  11. Paste the Twitter code into the gadget content box and click Save

  12. Your Twitter Profile Widget will now be showing in your Blogger sidebar so click on View Blog to admire it

In this Blogger tutorial I have showed you how to add a Twitter Profile Widget to the sidebar of your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog). This Twitter widget will encourage your blog readers to visit your Twitter Profile and with luck you may get some new Twitter followers out of it.

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  1. It's a nice widget and a very good guide but I prefer to stay with the lightweight Twitter widget
    I have tested some other widget but they were all heavy and bogged down my blog

  2. Yes Tech Priest I agree with you. I chose not to install this one on Blog Know How as it proved to be too slow for my needs. For blogs with only a few widgets though slightly slower loading times might not be such an issue.

  3. Thanks Man, Ur a Genuis :) Wizz i need a little help from u on my blog on the main page, after the 1st post there is a huge GAP how do i remove it if u do ctrl+A u can see a square any ideas on removing it ?

  4. Hi B n D. Took a look at your blog. The huge gap I think you are referring to is where the Google ad is meant to display. When I load the page I see the error message "You are not authorized to view ..." Is there a problem with your Google membership? If not then are you using a script to show the Google ad?
