Saturday, July 11, 2009

Add Chitika Ads to Blogger Blogspot

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a Chitika ad unit to a Blogger Blogspot blog. To put a Chitika ad unit on a Blogger blog you will need to add the Chitika ad code directly into your Blogger template. Full instructions are set out below so that even beginner bloggers and Blogger newbies can follow these to install Chitika advertising program on their blog. If you are not already signed up for Chitika read about some of the advantages of advertising with Chitika at Blogspot Blogger Guide.

Chitika and Google Adsense - A Winning Combination
One of the main questions that bloggers ask about Chitika is can it be used with Google Adsense. The answer is most definitely yes. Chitika and Google Adsense can be used in conjunction as there is absolutely no conflict because Chitika ads unlike Google Adsense are non-contextual.

By adding Chitika to your blog you will increase your revenue from pay per click advertising. The CPMs are reputed to be higher than Google Adsense making it possible depending on your blog theme to make potentially higher earnings than with Google Adsense. For those looking for the highest possible earnings the new 550x250 mega units from Chitika are a particularly good choice if you have the space to display them. Best of all the earnings payout threshold for Chitika is only $10.00 making it a very achievable target for even the most modest blogger.

How to Add Chitika Advertisements to Blogger Blogspot Blog
Following these instructions will put a Chitika ad unit at the end of your blog posts but before the post footer details.

1. Sign up with Chitika Advertising Program and set up your ad unit following the online instructions

2. Highlight and copy the premium ad code. It needs to be parsed before entering it into the Blogger template so go ahead and paste it into the code window at and click on the encode button

Parse the Chitika Ad Code by using a Converter
3. Login to Blogger if not already logged in

4. Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML

5. Back up your template as a precaution by downloading it to your computer

6. Check the Expand Widgets Template box

7. Find the following line of code by entering it into the search tool (Use CTRL + F)


8. Copy the parsed Chitika code from and paste it into your Blogger template immediately after the above line

9. Click Save Template

10. Click on the View Blog link to view your ad unit. You will need to add the following to the end of the URL address in your browser to see your ad unit as ads are only served to North American visitors.


for instance I would enter

to see how my ad unit would display ads for this keyword. Don't forget to refresh your page using CTRL + R

In this tutorial you have learned how to add a Chitika ad unit to your Blogger Blogspot blog. If you would like to start taking advantage of the Chitika advertising program on your blog and earn some extra money you can sign up to Chitika by following this link.

Tips and Troubleshooting
If you want to place your Chitika ad unit in another location other than below the post it is possible to add the code directly into a gadget in which case there is no need to parse it.

Get Chitika | Premium

Related Articles
Earn Money with Chitika and Blogger
List of Blog Know How Tutorials for Blogger Blogs


  1. I did not know about this ad agency. Thanks for the info. I will try it.
    my blog

  2. Yes Mahmood its great to have the option to run Chitika and Google Adsense ads on the same page. Let me know how you get on if you have time. It would interesting to know how successful these ads are for you

  3. Wizz thanks a lot for posting this article...I am really need this for my blog. I was tried harder finding this article...thanks a lot

  4. Chitika is a good income stream to have along with Google Adsense if your blog receives a reasonable amount of traffic from the US. Glad to hear this guide helped you set up Chitika on your blog Structured Settlement Guide

  5. Thanks for the nice article on Chitika. I just started adding it to my voip blog at

    Could you please tell me without without content related ad is it possible to earn from only referral banner? You know premium ads visible only to US and Canada visitors. But most of my visitors are from Expatriate Bangladeshis from other then US/Canada.

  6. Hi Siraj. Yes you can sign up to the Chitika referral program and put affiliate banners on your blog without having to advertise with Chitika.

  7. HI,

    I just used your tutorial, but I don't think it worked. I cannot see the ads, no matter what I do and there is no code parser on At least not one that I found.

    Could you please help me out?

  8. OK, I got the parser tool to work, but I still can't see the ads. I don't have the exact

    p/ data:post.body. /p

    in my template.

    I only have

    div class='post-body entry-content'
    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'
    div expr:id='"summary" +' style='display:none;' data:post.body/

    So I posted the parsed code after that. The ads are still not showing up.

  9. Hi Babyrocasmama. I love your site! Great stuff!

    I think the problem might be with the read more function you have on your posts. I might need to take a closer look at your template. If you join my email list or leave your email address here and I will be in touch.

  10. Thanks for giving me such valuable information

  11. Pritesh you are welcome. Hope you call back often when next you need Blogger help.

  12. Thanks for the informative post. I do have two quick question however:

    1) I'm using the Disqus module on my site and would like to put a Chitika ad unit CENTERED and ABOVE the Disqus module in each post - I'm not sure where to input the parsed code to do so. Can you point me in the right direction?

    2) I like your 'Categories' box up top - is that a standard widget? I couldn't find it in the list. I think that would be a very helpful tool on my site.

    Thanks again~

  13. Matt to add categories to your blog take a look at my posts: How to Add Categories to Blogger and How to Add a Simple Drop Down Menu to Blogger

    Looks like you have Chitika up and running. Come back to me if you still need help

    looks like you have Chitika running

  14. Hi The Wizz! Great article.

    I am having the same problem as Babyrocasmama, in that I don't have the exact code you stated in the article in my template.

    I have the same code as him/her, but not the one you stated. =P

    My ads just aren't showing up.

    I run a skincare (specifically a hyperpigmentation/acne mark fading/lightening) blog: here it is:

    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks =)

  15. Hi Mileena. I could take a look at your template if you like. Just post your email address and I will get in contact

  16. thank you for the srvice you`ve made for people who want to add units chitka for their blogs.
    i have a blog
    but, i do not know why my ads does not appear .

  17. Just get approved Chitika ads. But I wanted to know more about the ads unit setting. This post helped me alot.


  18. Manims chances are that your ads may be there but just not visible to you unless you are resident in the US. Did you try the instructions at Step 10 to show the Chitika ads?

  19. Hi The Wizz,

    Many thanks for your tutorial on setting up the Chitika (almost sounds like an ABBA song :)))).

    I reside in UK and followed your instructions and it worked very well. I run a music site over at

    Thanks again


  20. Thanks for share it. I added Chitika ad unite under the post. Thanks friend.

  21. i don't have p /p on my blog

  22. Harnoor use control + F to locate:


  23. Total article read complete. Realy Nice.......... many many thanks for this tutorial.

  24. nyc tutorial.....
    working great for my blog
