Friday, May 1, 2009

How To Delete a Blogger Blogspot Blog

I notice I get a lot of traffic to my blog from Blogger Blogspot webmasters searching for tutorials on how to delete their blog so this has prompted me to write this post about deleting a Blogger blog. As most of us are trying to get our blogs up and running this post may not be very useful for you right now however you may have occasion in the future to want to delete a blog so read on in case the day comes when you need to know what you do.

Why Might I Want to Delete a Blogger Blogspot Blog?
There a variety of reasons why you might decide to delete your blog. Here are some common ones:

You have set up a test blog and have now finished with it

You are unhappy with the name you have chosen for your blog and wish to change it. Please note you can change the name of your Blogger subdomain for another subdomain name provided the address is available on Blogger. Or you can change to a custom .com domain name and have Blogger redirect your blog traffic to your new address. You may want to consider these options first before proceeding with deletion)

You have tried blogging and it is not for you and you want to get rid of your blog all together

How to Delete a Blogger Blogspot Blog
1. Login to Blogger if you are not already logged in

2. From the Dashboard select the blog you wish to delete. Make sure you are in the right place if you have more than one blog

3. Navigate to Settings > Basic

4. If you think you may want to come back to your blog at a later date you can use the export tool to export your blog before you delete it. To export your blog click on Export Blog in the Blog Tools menu. If you aren't interested in exporting a copy of your blog to your home computer skip this step

blogger Basic Settings Configuration - Eport Blog - Delete Blog
5. Under the first heading Blog Tools click on the Delete Blog link

6. You will be taken to the Delete Blog screen in Blogger. Check again you have the right blog displayed by checking the name which should appear just above the row of menu tabs.

7. A warning message like the one pictured below will be displaying:

How to Delete a Blogger Blog

8. If you wish to proceed with the deletion then click on the Delete This Blog button

9. You will now be returned to the Dashboard. Notice that your blog is no longer displayed in the list of blogs. If you wish to view your deleted blog you can click on the Show All link at the bottom of the Manage Blogs list in the Dashboard

10. You will now be able to see your deleted blog including details of its deletion date. Follow the link provided to undelete this blog. Blogger allows you 90 days grace.

In this tutorial we have covered some basic reasons why you might want to delete a blog and the steps involved in actually deleting a Blogger Blogspot blog.


  1. Hi, i have got an issue, i am trying to delete my whole blogspot page.
    I have followed the procedure to delete the blogs, but how do you delete the whole thing?
    I have the page and this is what i want to remove as it has pictures on etc
    I cant edit this page at all, not even when i sign in (all this does is take me to
    Any idea's

  2. Hi ninjarider636. When I click on your blogger profile I get a 404 error so the link is no longer available or your profile is not publicly available. The only thing I can suggest is if you deleted your blog less than 90 days ago then you can reinstate it. Delete the pages you want and access the images you need and then re-delete your blog. If you are outside the 90 day period then any entry in search engines will be lost and any remaining links will return the 404 error - not found. One way to delete your whole Blogger account is to delete your Google account. More on this try Blogger Help

  3. Thanks for the post and you explain some of them are basic reason to delete our blog. I think this procedure will help me and the visitors as well to delete their blog.

  4. Glad to hear this article about deleting a Blogger blog is of use to you

  5. Hi, I'd want to delete my blog because I realized that blogging is really not for me. But unfortunately, I can't remember my email account, my password in both the blogger account and the email account. I am completely lost. Can you please help me? I want to delete the whole blog. Thank you so much. Your reply would be greatly appreciated.

  6. Hi Sad Person. I know of no quick way to find your blog with a lost username and email address. However if you know your blog's URL or remember the name under which you created it you can use Blogger's lookup by going to Blogger Lookup. This will prompt Blogger to email you. Once you enter your blog name it will give you the message "sent to gmail" or to whatever mail service you used to sign up. This will tell you whether you signed up under gmail or other email service. Once you have established this you can go through a list of the email addresses you have used by entering into the form till you strike it. Hope this helps. If you get no joy I would suggest you contact Blogger directly for help

  7. Fabuous!! THANKS x

  8. awesome! this is what i need, thank you
    (i don't think it's too late :)

  9. Awesome keep posting... nice post.

  10. Nice post, thanks for sharing this wonderful and usefull information with us.

  11. Thanks for ur great tutorial which helps to do so.It was really interesting.Share such interesting posts.

  12. Nicely written article! Thanks.

  13. Thanks, finding the way through the blogger interface isn't always easy but your post helped

  14. my fren wan mu blogspot url.. so i wan delete my blog. within how many days he can make new blog the url that i delete?

  15. Blogger seems to have its own time frame so I can't say exactly. What I do if I need to get another blog up quickly is to change the its name to something else. After quite a short time sometimes only an hour or two the name (URL) is then free to create a new blog with.
