Thursday, March 12, 2009

Adjust Blogger Title Tags to Improve SEO

This Blogger tutorial explains how to improve search engine optimization (SEO) of your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) by optimizing your post title tags for search engines like Google and Yahoo. How to improve search engine results by optimizing post title tags.

By default your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) does not have search engine optimised title tags. This puts your blog at a disadvantage compared to other blogs that have inbuilt SEO or enhanced SEO modules as these sites are likely to be placed more highly in search engine results.

The title tags of your blog are ordered by blog name first followed by the title of the post. This is not ideal for popular search engines like Google and Yahoo which give more importance to the first words of a title. By way of example take a look at how the title tags of this blog were viewed in a browser before any SEO. Note the order of the tags: Blog Name | Post Name.

How Blogger Title Tags are viewed in an IE browser

When this site was first indexed by Google this is the search engine results this site received. Note how the blog name is first in all the results.

Search engine result for before the tweak

Fortunately there is a simple tweak to your template which can rectify this problem. By simply reversing the position of the blog name and page title significant improvement can be gained in search engine results. See the difference in the example below:

How Your Blogger Title Tags are viewed in your browser with change

Follow the step by step guide below to achieve higher rankings in search engine results.

Tweak of Title Tags for New Blogger (beta) Blogs

1. Login to your blog at and navigate to Design > Edit HTML

2. Backup your template by downloading it to your computer. This will ensure that you can upload your template before these changes in case of problems.

3. Replace the following line of code (about 5-10 lines from the top):


with (highlight code, Ctrl + C to copy)

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> |

4. Click on Save Template and then View Blog. Navigate to an individual post. You will see that your page title is now first followed by your blog title. A pipe symbol separates the two.

Below is an example of the change in search engine results since the tweak was implemented for this site. Since optimising for search engine friendly page titles there has been a significant improvement in traffic accessing the site. This didn't happen right away but if you too implement this page title tweak and continue to deliver quality content you are on your way toward higher search engine rankings.

Blog Know How Search Engine Results in Google with Title Tags Tweaked

Several readers have reported issues with the line:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

If you experience problems try inserting this line instead which works on many blogs. Ensure you have double quote marks around item followed by a single quote mark:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

For more on this please read the comments section.

Due to the number of readers experiencing problems with their browsers reading this post I have created a PDF file of this article which is free to download

This Blogger tutorial (Blogspot tutorial) has discussed how to adapt the title tags of a Blogger (Blogspot) blog to improve search engine optimization (SEO) by Google,Yahoo and other search engines.

Related Articles
List of Blog Know How Tutorials for Blogger Blogs
Blogspot Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks


  1. I had no problems adding this code to my template. Now getting titles showing up properly in Google.

  2. Good one. Glad to hear this tweak worked for you. Good luck with getting increased site traffic

  3. I have gotten the following problem:

    TEMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item

    What am i doing wrong ?

  4. What template are you using? Are you using a standard Blogger template or a customised one?

  5. To be perfectly honest i do not remember any more. It was one of the proposed ones, with added google analytics, and couple of metadata for SEOs.

    My blog is, and here is my email:, please contact me an i will send you my template.

  6. I have had a look at your site and can't see any obvious reason why this tweak wouldn't be working. I have tested it with the Minima Black Template which is what you are using by the looks and it works without a hitch. You can send me a copy of your template if you like and I'll have a closer look for you. I have emailed you this message too.

  7. the problem appears to be with the line:

    if cond='data:blog.pageType == item

    is it possible due to fact that i have multiple blogs per page that it does not function, or due to the fact that i have to enable in settings ?

    Since when i comment out the condition it works

  8. Finally found out what was wrong. I did not put quotes around item:

    I had:

    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == item'

    what i should have had was:

    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'

    Now works like a charm.
    Thank you

  9. Glad to hear you resolved the problem. Isn't it funny how one a set of single quotes or double quotes can make such a difference. XML is pretty sensitve to that stuff! Good luck with your blog. Photos look great by the way. I enjoyed my visit to your site!

  10. Thanks for this code! I had the same problem with Grunf but also used the solution he gave! You are both amazing! Thanks.

  11. Marky thanks for this report. I have updated the article to include this suggestion under troubleshooting. Nice to have you aboard!

  12. Now I got this message:
    TEMPLATE ERROR: Unknown runtime binding: else in widget TEMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == itemTEMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 46 in data:blog.url ==


  13. Hi Cascia. I have had a good look at your template and even downloaded it to make sure it is working Ok. No problem on a clean install with both title tags and meta tags. I see you have added keywords to your template so I am wondering if your problem is partially fixed. Sing out if it is not. I will email this to you as well.

    Also you can email me your template if you still have a problem

  14. thanks a lot wizz...these are very helpful..

    Grunf - I got the same error but ur fix worked for me too :)

    Please let me know your comments on and kindly help me how I can improve traffic

  15. Thanks SMS Harsha. I took a look at your blog and see it is fairly new. Posting frequently is one way to build traffic and create a community. Take a look at my article 10 Tips to Build Site Traffic for a Blogspot Blog for more help

  16. Thanks...Its awesome.Look my site,its really working after i repair it a little bit using Grunf tips.
    [ ]
    [ ]

    modified from,

    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == item'


    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"

  17. Great I'm glad you got it to work. I have a number of blogs and have never had an issue with original code I posted.

    I have already added some more information to troubleshooting based on feedback from readers. The code for the problem line is:
    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'

    Don't forget the single quote mark at the end.

    PS I visited your blog and left a comment for you.

  18. Happened to visit this link and thought of giving the tip a try. Let's see if that does any good to the rankings - no harm in trying, though. Thanks for the tip! I'll go through your other articles to see how they suit me :-)

    In case you can manage to have a look at Geek Explains then please let me know if you see any other SEO-related changes which are important and still missing on it. Thanks again!

  19. Well i just added it and i hope it will work. Thanks for your help.

  20. Let me know how you get on interimjustia. You are likely to see a big difference once Google gets you indexed properly

  21. Gee. I had a look at your blog. I see you have the title tags working. One area that you might look at is adding a breadcrumb for an SEO boost. I will be posting about this shortly

  22. Thanks for your post. When I tried it I no longer had use of the "Page Elements" option in Blogger, which I do like to use. Is there a way around that?

  23. Hi Christie. I see your title tags are working properly with a standard Minima Black template. There is no reason why this tweak to title tags should affect Page Elements. What sometimes happens with Blogger (a glitch in Blogger I think) is that Page Elements doesn't load properly even when you refresh, it only partially loads. Did you have this problem? I find the best way to correct this situation is to sign out and sign back in again. Next time you go to Page Elements it loads without a hitch. This may have happened to you. Any further problems let me know. Happy for you to email me your template if necessary.

    By the way I see you use pretty long titles so your permalinks are not optimized for SEO. I would suggest you take a look at my article on permalinks

  24. thanks a LOT man, you dont know how much you'd helped me.

    Great blog

  25. Thanks for dropping by gangsTa.bloggeR. Hope you have bookmarked this blog and will call back soon! I would be interested to hear how much difference changing your title tags makes to your blog

  26. I am using google webmaster tools for some time. But from last few weeks it is showing "Missing title tags" in HTML suggestions. And the number of Missing Title Tags pages is increasing day by day. Can you please inform me how to resolve these? i have some other problems like Duplicate meta descriptions and Duplicate title tags.

    My blog is:

  27. I'm not entirely sure as sounds like you have multiple problems. For duplicate titles and descriptions issues take a look at this post
    by Cranked Me

  28. Thanks for duplicate titles and description solutions. Please inform me is there any way to solve "Missing title tags" problem?

  29. I added the text exactly as shown and this failed for me. I don't understand the ampersands such as "ampersandquot...semi-colon...item...ampersand...quot...semi... please post the exact text to enter for the edit...
    ...then, what's it supposed to look like afterward?


  30. Mark unfortunately the comments section here does not handle this code well so it would be best for me to email it to you. If you don't want to post your email address on this blog and I can understand why you might not want to then you could join my email subscribers and I will get your email address from there and email you the info.

  31. I get this error message

    Error interpreting blog template
    LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item

    tried with "item"'but not working.

    wish someone could help me

  32. I have gotten the following problem:

    TEMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item

    after reading comment i modified from,

    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == item'


    b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"

    now working fine but not opening in internet explorer,,,,,

    what was i done wrong ?

    this is my blogg....

    e mail address is

    i will be very thank full to U if u reply me via E-mail.....


  33. Equity Analytics I have emailed you the code. Come back to me if you have any further problems

  34. Basra I have emailed you the solution. Come back to me if you have any further problems

  35. The Wizz,

    I face the same problem as Equity Analytics & Basra.

    Error code;

    Error interpreting blog template
    LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item

    May you help please?

    my email.


  36. Afandi I have emailed you the code

  37. Thanks for letting me know sami that it is working for you. I will email the code to anyone who is experiencing problems

  38. i was just wondering is it normal for a two day old blog not in google search?
    my blog is

  39. Arms I see your home page is now listed in Google. In my experience with new blogs you need to have posted around 10 posts before Google really starts to index. Often listing in Google can take about a month.

    Getting listed in a few blog directories is a good idea as one of the main ways that Google decides whether your blog is worth indexing is whether there are any other sites linking to yours.

  40. TEMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item
    seems to be a common error for the code you have suggested. It was fixed after I restored it back to the previous version.
    Was this code written before the Blogspot guys made major changes to their Platform? It would be much appreciated if you could please post the solution for this code. I have made major changes to the template to make it look like a website.

    I also saw your post where you have mentioned of typing seperate meta-tag code for each page.
    is there any way to include meta-tags in the post body? and are the two blogs customized for specific needs, it would help a lot of people who visit this page, if you update the article and include resolution for this issue.

    Aravind Parvatikar (
    Presentit PowerPoint Services: http:

  41. Presentit I have emailed you. If your blog is fairly new there is no issue however you may strike problems with older blogs. I have tried to resolve the browser issue not displaying code correctly but it remains problematic. Try using Internet Explorer as your browser as this displays correctly

  42. Hi ,wen i change the code just nothing changes
    Please help me
    my blog is
    Mail me to

  43. Hi budy wen i change The code,This format apperars
    h1 tag Post title|Site title /h1 tag
    please have a look at my source

  44. Hello,

    I have the problem of EMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 26 in (link), in the four links I inserted, each with a different URL. My template doesn't like it when I change links?

    I know nothing of it. My blog has no entries yet. If you can help me please e-mail me privately?



  45. Hi Angel. Can't see you profile - you will have to enable it first thanks. In the meantime try copying the code from the PDF file that is free to download. If you are still getting errors then please by all means come back to me

  46. hey wiz i just cant help it,I have tried this hack a couple of times,But it shows in this format
    h1 tag post title|Blog title h1 tags ,H1 tags become visible,After i added meta tags and titles for ever y post manually ,but still goolge shows my resuts like this
    Please help
    rafay baloch

  47. Rafay I will email you so I can take a look at your template

  48. TEMPLATE ERROR: LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item

    i face this problem.May you help please?

    this my email

  49. Hi wan9697 I have emailed you some help on this error

  50. oh

    thank you i do it

  51. Thanks Raj. Congratulations. Hope you see a big improvement in your Blogger traffic

  52. Hi,
    I just used the codes provided by you to adjust Blogger Title Tags to Improve SEO in my blog as the blog title was comming in the search then the article title I was not getting any proper result. Let's see your suggestion works.


  53. Hi Trends. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what a difference this tweak makes. I would be interested to hear how you get on. Thanks for dropping in.

  54. Hello
    I tried that several times, it didn't work. That line is not changing when I tried to save the template you mentioned, I failed

    I changed template, but unfortunately each time I tried to save the template, the line is not saving and not changing to:"item"'>
    , and I didn't get the result when I click on any post,
    my blog:
    the template: Rounders Four created by Douglas Bowman
    Thank you for your help

  55. Johealthydiet I have emailed you.

  56. Wow! Tech Priest more feedback. That's great! Love to hear that this blog is helping you

  57. thanks man!
    i changed the title to make it search engine friendly
    Also the permalink thing was awesome
    thanks for the info mate

    My Site :

    Have a nice day

  58. Hello Nimish. Good luck getting increased traffic using these tweaks. I'm sure these will make a difference!

  59. Wizz,

    Tried to change & got this error message...

    template error:lhs of numeric is null before 26 in type==item

    please help!

    Thanks, Mike

  60. Wizz,

    I got my problem solved!

    thanks, Mike

  61. It sounds so easy, but it didn't work for me. I didn't have an error message and i changed the quotes. Looks like it should have worked, but it didn't. Ple-eas help!

  62. Hi FOSS happy to take a look at your template for you if necessary. Couldn't access your blog as private. Join my email subscribers or leave your email here and I will get in touch

  63. The problem lies with the guide listing the quotes enclosing "item" with "&ampquot;". Simply replace &ampquot; with quotation marks.

    I learned this due to Grunf and Wizz's exchange of comments. I hope this helps everyone!

    (Wizz, you might want to change &ampquot; with quotes in your guide above. Thanks man! After following Grunf, your technique worked like a charm!)

  64. Oh if only it were that simple Shazbot! The trouble is that internet browsers read code differently. Browsers like Firefox are less able to cope with quotation marks particularly single ones whereas anyone reading this article with Internet Explorer will have no trouble. I am still looking for a work around for this issue but html entities like these create problems.

    Glad to hear you got your title tags working in the end!

  65. this mesage after put the metatags.

    This blog is currently under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations.

    If you're a regular reader of this blog and are confident that the content is appropriate, feel free to click "Proceed" to proceed to the blog. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    If you're an author of this blog, please follow the instructions on your dashboard for removing this warning page.


  66. Vinyl floor tiles the tags themselves won't have created the problem as you are simply changing the order of what is already there. As I said under meta tags the problem lies with something in your content. Take a good look at Blogger Terms of Service to see what is causing this.

  67. Thanx For the tips i liked them it works for me
    But still i have only 1 visitor can you help me out how to increase visitors???

  68. Hi very useful blog.

    I've been trying this particular trick, but I seem to have no luck. It displays the tags rather than the titles.

  69. your post helped me but still i am not getting visitors?????
    Please help me

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. thankx for replyin
    but i didnt get u are u tryin to say that i should change my blog title??

  72. Hi Raj. Thanks for your query about blog traffic. I notice your blog topic is software. Thats a very wide topic to cover. Ask yourself why would anyone come to my blog. I suggest that the traffic issue may be a blog topic issue. Have you thought to narrow the focus?

  73. it did work like a charm for some of my blogs but did not work at all for others , Please help me , I will send you my templates if you want to have a look at them here is my email thank you

  74. wat is the meaning of blog topic issue
    hey what do u mean by narrowing the focus
    also my friend has a same blog on softwares and he is gettin ample of visitors but i am not and also my and his posts are the same but then to he is gettin and i m not
    and also do new sites take time to come on google search
    i msorry if i disturbing you by asking to many questions but there no one else who helps beginers like us

  75. Hi Justin Gill Photo checked out your blog and I see your title tags are working. Good on you.

  76. He he. I just tweaked my blog.


  77. Yes, I realized different code syntax is required, depending on whether your blog is hosted on blogger or on your site via FTP.

  78. Raj happy to answer your questions where I can. What I mean is that software is a very wide topic to be covering in your blog so I am wondering what kind of search terms a visitor would need to enter to find your blog. How will you get to the first couple of pages on Google for instance? The wider your topic the more difficult this is. Basically in my view it is better to be in a big fish in a smaller pond than a small fish in a big pond.

    I would strongly advise you not to copy another blog as duplicate content can lead to problems with search engines. If you are going to pool resources with your friend wouldn't it be easier to have several blogs and both contribute to them and split any earnings?

    It certainly does take time for Google to index new blogs. In my experience you need to have posted at least 10 to 12 articles to prompt some kind of quick action from Google. If you have links to your blog this helps too.

  79. Hope you get a good increase in your traffic Your Teacher

  80. Justin it would be great to hear exactly how you resolved this issue.

  81. thanx a lot wizz i shall keep your tips in mind

  82. Raj you're welcome. How are you going with your with your issue with letter spacing?


  84. sry to reply after a long time
    i had my studies
    wat is letter spacing???
    and still after uploading my site on google webmaster no such improvement is there in the visitors
    This is my friends
    he has around 200 visitors but i m still stuck
    i hav read almost all your articles and implemented them where i could but i havent found any such increment!!!

  85. Hi Raj. If you think the SEO tweaks you have done to improve your blog aren't working maybe it would be best to remove them. It is a fine balancing act sometimes to get the mix just right. One of the best ways that Google will send visitors your way is to name your blog to included keywords. You friend has quite a few keywords in the blog name such as download free and softwares. I suspect this will be contributing largely to numbers. Also have you checked out any difference in the way you are tagging each article. Are you using enough keywords in your tags that correspond to likely search terms for instance?

  86. Thank you so much, this worked great!

  87. Thanks a lot...the tutorial works for me. Good Luck!!=)

  88. thanx a lot ...i will keep your tips in mind

  89. awesome just applied this hack :) working smoothly not to mentioning i got an error but fixed it by replacing this line


    as written in the post

    thank you

  90. I applied your code but my blog title is still showing first.. i am using revolution red template and my blog is

  91. I have entered the code and save without problems but when I check the search results in Google and Yahoo Search Engine, I see no changes. How long will it take for it to work? Thank you very much for this useful guide.

  92. Mehr I took a look at the indexing in Google of your blog and the titles are showing up first so looks like problem fixed. I suspect you might not have given Google enough time to reindex before leaving this comment.

  93. Hi Osman. The title tags take a little while for Google to reindex your articles to reflect the changes. I did notice that you have global meta tags which means that every article is being indexed with the same description. This will work against SEO of your Blogger blog. Please refer to my article on How to Create Meta Tags for a Blogger Blog. Good luck!

  94. Very helpful. I could get the right order now. I also included metatags after getting to know about them on your blog (sorry, I am not really that much into this stuff, but quite a lot into writing, so thought I'll give blogging and learning about those a try!)

    I hope I can get more traffic to my blog now. I primarily have just 1 keyword though which visitors come to my blog, and I would really like to have other sources. I hope your tips help. Will keep you posted :)

    Oh and I had the same problem with the update: had to use "item" instead of just item.

  95. Wizz it does not seem to work with my template, no errors or anything just plain nothingness...Please Assist
    Template: Signal

  96. Whizz i'm still waiting on ur help bro!

  97. Took a look at your blog Gotcha Man. Cant see anything obvious why it is not working. Let me know your email and I will take a look

  98. hey whizz

    my apologies it is working, however my blog is still not being indexed on search engines...i have read all of your posts regarding SEO, is this perhaps something that you can assist with please?

  99. hello, nice articles you have here, very useful for a blogger beginer like me!

    I've used 2 of your recommended SEOs, this title tag and that keyword tag.

    what do you think if I use all of your SEO advices on my amazon affiliate blogspot? will blogger let me do it?

    thanks a lot.

  100. Azmoeth. I don't think there will be a problem with Blogger letting you do it. It is more about whether implementing SEO on your blog helps your blog get more traffic. You will need to weigh that up for yourself. I personally like to have my own wording in Google search engine results rather than leaving it to Google. I also like to set my own keywords to funnel traffic on my blogs

  101. hey wizz i m also facing this problem LHS of numeric is null before 26 in data:blog.pageType == item please help me my email is and blog is please help me out.

  102. Shrey tried to email but your email address isn't working. Make sure you have double quote marks around item followed by a single quote mark eg "item"'
    If you still have problems come back to me. good luck

  103. Gotchaman I tried to find your blog and it is private. If you want your blog to be indexed by search engines you must make it public by going to Settings and answering yes to adding blog to search listings. Make sure you save your changes. Hope this helps.

  104. Thank you very much, worked fine for me :)

  105. really this is very good article but one thing I can not understand that in the codeline word "item" what i write in it number of pages or Number of posts. Please suggest me thanks

  106. Anonymous I am sorry I don't understand your question. You can use either line with item in it. Which one works will depend on the Blogger template you use. You do not have to add anything else about the number of pages or posts.

  107. this affects existing posts or just new ones

  108. Thanks a bunch!

    I hope the tweak works!

    I did have to use the alternate (below) line, and it works great now.

    Gonna go through your blog for other Blogger SEO tweaks! :)

    I've had the blog a couple months now, ( InvisibleCrackPipe.Blogspot.Com ) and was receiving tons of traffic, about 30,000 hits a month! But then, suddenly last week, it's like Google throttled my page way back, and now I'm back to just a couple hundred hits a day. Very strange!

    Thanks again!

  109. Hi Jack. Thanks for your interest in my blog. I had a look at your blog and it looks great. I am wondering if the loss of traffic is about changes in popularity of some keyword you have used in your blog. I suggest you get Google Analytics asap and also check your stats to see what keywords are being used to access your blog. Is all the traffic on one blog post or is it spread out over various blogs. Arm yourself with this kind of information and it will help you tailor your content to pick up traffic again. Obviously you are writing about what people wanna read cos you got that kind of traffic in the beginning. Also keep regularly posting. Google loves this. Good luck!

  110. Hello HulkAndrei. With new posts you will get the benefit straight away. Older ones will take time as Google will need to reindex your posts. I can't say exactly how long this will be as Google has its own time frame for a lot of these things. Rest assured though that once your articles are being properly indexed by Google you will get increased traffic.

  111. hi. Wonderful post here. I have a problem though. I have done exactly as you said. While it is not returning any error, my title tags are still appearing as before i.e blog name: post name. There has been no change just like it's supposed to. Please what could be wrong?

  112. please help i have a HS of numeric is null before 55 in data:blog.url ==


  113. mixtapekid45 have you tried the alternative option:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

    This works provided you keep the single and double quote marks just as they are written

  114. Ugo.jar you will need to give it a bit of time to see the benefits of this Blogger hack. Once your blog is indexed in this way your pages will be much more likely to get found. Try entering into your browser to see exactly what posts have been indexed and then observe the changes when you add a new post. Thanks for your visit.

  115. Hands down the most helpful articles on the web. And trust me, as a 71 year old non-techie (we didn't even have ball point pens when I was in high school) I have been to a thousand sites, maybe two, looking for help.

  116. This was helpful and easy as can be. The best five minutes I have ever spent on SEO

  117. The link structure of your blog title is important if you want to increase your chances of ranking higher on the search engines. It is advisable to use targeted keywords in your title tags as much as possible.

  118. ahaa! i manged to add code in first attempt. yeppii! :)
    thanks for this tutorial...

  119. It's work in my blog. Thanks for this. Now, my post title is arrange perfectly for SEO friendly. Thanks for the tips.

  120. It works, how amazing! Thanks a lot!

  121. Hello, my name is Ikenna Gabriel Ifenna. To be sincere with you, I have not seen a blog like yours. The information you give is very rare and you provide your audience with what they need to see. Thanks for optimizing my blog title.Just hope you will have the time to visit my blogger blog oneday. Bye.

  122. Hi. Will changing the title tags like this mean that any links out there to my old posts will now be dead links? Thanks.

  123. Thanks a lot... It also works on my blog.

  124. It's was really simple just took 5 seconds to do that. Thanks :)

  125. Very useful tip! I will difinetly do this to my blog

    If you like video games or want to review a blog that is SEO optimized check out GameNinjaX

  126. perfect working at my blog

  127. thanks man. the first didnt work for me, but the second did.. thanks........

  128. Title tag is the important thing that should be taken seriously while posting a blog as if its arrtactive it will enable user to read it and that can drive traffic to your website.

  129. thumbs up for this cool article.. thanks for sharing this with us...

  130. Holy *bleep*

    THANK YOU!!!

  131. The code to swap the blog title post title worked fine for me. Thanks a lot!!!

  132. First there was an error,then i entered this line

    and it did .

  133. awesome tip and it REALLY helps in search engine results! kudos
